Sunday, August 12, 2007

Burning Copy Protected Cd's

Burning Copy Protected Cd's .

A step by step guide


1] Introduction /Disclamier

2] Type of protections

3] Hardware Req.

4] Software Req.

5] Step bY Step guide


1] Introduction / Disclamier

This is my first origional tutorial written by me (technical info taken form the web)

hope u guys like it ..

More and more often these days Software companies and Game developers alike are coming up with new ways to stop people creating illegal copies of copyrighted software and games. A more obvious and common way for companies to do this is to use Commercially Developed CDR Protections which when used on the game or software makes it nearly impossible to copy the game. It is illegal to copy or burn a copyrighted game to sell or give to others, which most of you would know, but it is not illegal to make a personal back-up copy for yourself of the game provided you are the original owner of the game. The advantages of making a back-up copy of a game is that once you have the back-up copy you don't need the original so it can be kept safe in the cover and if the back up copy gets scratched you will still have the original game.


2] Type of protections

The following are the types of protections used to protect a cd from being replicated

CD Checks



Illegal TOC (Table Of Contents)

OverSized/OverBurn CD's







SafeDisc 2


SecuRom Trigger Functions

In this tutorial we will be backing up a copy of Age Of Empires II (rise of nations)
which is protected by Safe Disc


3] Hardware Req.

1] A CD burner if u want to burn the backup or equivalent space of the cd on the hardisk
to burn an image and play it from the HDD

700MHz CPU and 128MB RAM is recommended


4] Software

1] Alcohol 120% [CD burning software] : We will be using Alcohol 120% as the cd burning software , I personally recomend this proggy .

4] and then click on "Run Alcohol 120%"

5] After Alcohol 120% is launched click the Image Making Wizard on the top left and
follow the wizard [remeber u require to have a max of 800mb somewhere on your disc to keep the
image . [ It took me around 25 mins to make the image. so be patient]
Alcohol can make the image in the following formats .cue ,.ccd and .mds
u can chose it to be burned in to any format , i burned the image using mds format

6] After the image is created and if u want to burn it on the cd , go back Alcohol and on the top left menu
chose the second option "Image Burning Wizard" rite below the Image Making Wizard and foolow the waizard
and u will have a backup copy burnt . The backup copy will also have the protection on it.

7] If you want to run it of the HDD go to where the image is stored on the disk and right click and say mount
image , the image will be loaded in the virtual drive created by alcohol.


Thats it folks ,

Plz post your comments / Suggestion Below

If u have any questions feel free to ask . i will try my level best to answer them


Create a New Drive for ur Favourite Folder

Use the SUBST command to substitute a drive letter for a path in order to treat a virtual drive (a reserved area rather than an actual disk drive) as a physical drive i.e create a new drive for your Favourite Folder in MS-DOS Prompt.

For e.g if you want to create a drive named Z for your Program files folder then u need to enter the followin in ur DOS mode : -

subst z: "c:\program files"

This will create a drive named Z in your My Computer so that you can directly access your program files contents from this Drive. You can also create a Seperate drive for your seperate folder for accessing data easily. For e.g Seperate drive for your music folder etc.

Colorize your old Black and White photos with Photoshop

Well you must be seeing many of your local studios' ads that say Black&White to Color. Well don't waste money by paying them. You can do it at you home with just a PC and Photoshop installed. Get your photos scanned and open it in Photoshop.

Note: I am using a pic of our lovely Ash for this tut. (Also this may not be the simplest way of getting around things.)

1) Open your photo.

2) Image---->Mode---->RGB Color (if it's not already in that mode)

OK. Now in this pic there are various elements that need to be colorized. There is skin, her dress, the background etc. (well, it’ll depend on your image)

3) Take out your Lasso Tool and make a selection around the skin area.

TIP: When using the Lasso Tool, select while using Shift key to add to you existing selection. This comes in handy while selecting different parts together like face, hand etc. Similarly use the Alt key to minus from the existing selection.

4) Right-click inside the selected area and click the Layer via Copy option. (We are doing this coz we don’t want to damage the original image.) . In the Layers window (Window---->Show Layers) right-click on the newly created layer and click Layer Properties and rename the layer to Skin.

5) Image---->Adjust---->Variations. Feel free to play with the colors here and select the most appropriate color for the skin.

6) Next select the background layer in your Layers Window and with the Lasso Tool select the background. Make a Layer via Copy. Name it background. Repeat the step 5).

7) Continue like this until you colorize all parts of your image. You can also go into real details like lips,teeth, eyes etc etc.

How to burn BIN/CUE files with Nero

First step is to make sure that your using Nero 6..6 or Nero 7 if not then you will have to updgrade to these versions before continuing with this guide

Go to start, all programs, Nero and open your Nero Burning Rom and you should be faced with this below

Now click Cancel then click the File tab then Options (preferences if you are using Nero 6.6)

Click the Expert Features tab then tick Enable Disc-at-once CD Overburning and change

the time to 84 mins. Also tick Enable generation of short lead out if you have that option

Click apply then click ok, jobs done ;)

Now onto burning the actual bin/cue files that you have to CD-R

Locate the folder where your downloaded KVCD is then right click with your mouse on the cue file and chose Open With
If you dont have the option like you see on the screenshot to chose Nero then you have to click Choose Program

If you are using v7 then you have to Click the browse button and go to the Nero/Nero 7/Core folder in your program files

Nero 6 users have to Click the browse button and go to the Ahead/Nero folder in your program files

Click on the Open button after that Nero should open up and all you have to do now is pick your burn speed which should be no more than 8x

Note: Also in future when your right click on a cue file the option should be there to open it with Nero so you dont have to go through all that again

Top 5 Criminal*** Hackers of all time

1.Kevin Mitnick

Mitnick is perhaps synonymous with Hacker. The Department of Justice still refers to him as "the most wanted computer criminal in United States history." His accomplishments were memorialized into two Hollywood movies: Takedown and Freedom Downtime.
Mitnick got his start by exploiting the Los Angeles bus punch card system and getting free rides. Then similar to Steve Wozniak, of Apple, Mitnick tried Phone Phreaking. Mitnick was first convicted for hacking into the Digital Equipment Corporation's computer network and stealing software.
Mitnick then embarked on a two and a half year coast to coast hacking spree. He has stated that he hacked into computers, scrambled phone networks, stole corporate secrets and hacked into the national defense warning system. His fall came when he hacked into fellow computer expert and hacker Tsutomu Shimomura's home computer.
Mitnick is now a productive member of society. After serving 5 years and 8 months in solitary confinement, he is now a computer security author, consultant and speaker.

2. Adrian Lamo

Lamo hit major organizations hard, hacking into Microsoft and The New York Times. Lamo would use Internet connections at coffee shops, Kinko's and libraries to achieve his feats earning him the nickname "The Homeless Hacker". Lamo frequently found security flaws and exploited them. He would often inform the companies of the flaw.
Lamo's hit list includes Yahoo!, Citigroup, Bank of America and Cingular. Of course White Hat Hackers do this legally because they are hired by the company to such, Lamo however was breaking the law.
Lamo's intrusion into The New York Times intranet placed him squarely into the eyes of the top cyber crime offenders. For this crime, Lamo was ordered to pay $65,000 in restitution. Additionally, he was sentenced to six months home confinement and 2 years probation. Probation expired January of 2007. Lamo now is a notable public speaker and award winning journalist.

3. Jonathan James (A.K.A Don Balcon)

At 16 years old, James gained enormous notoriety when he was the first minor to be sent to prison for hacking. He later admitted that he was just having fun and looking around and enjoyed the challenge.
James hit high profile organizations including the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, which is an agency of the Department of the Defense. With this hack he was able to capture usernames and passwords and view highly confidential emails.
High on James list, James also hacked in NASA computers and stole software valued at over $1.7 million. The Justice Department was quoted as saying: "The software stolen by James supported the International Space Station's physical environment, including control of the temperature and humidity within the living space." Upon discovering this hack, NASA had to shut dow its entire computer system costing taxpayers $41,000. Today James aspires to start a computer security company.

4. Robert Tappan Morris

Morris is the son of a former National Security Agency scientist named Robert Morris. Robert is the creator of the Morris worm. This worm was credited as the first computer worm spread through the Internet. Because of his actions, he was the first person to be prosecuted under the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
Morris created the worm while at Cornell as a student claiming that he intended to use the worm to see how large the Internet was at the time. The worm, however, reproduced itself uncontrollably, shutting down many computers until they had completely malfunctioned. Experts claim 6,000 machines were destroyed. Morris was ultimately sentenced to three years' probation, 400 hours of community service and assessed a $10,500 fine.
Morris is now a tenured professor at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. His focus is computer network architecture.

5. Kevin Poulsen

Frequently referred to as Dark Dante, Poulsen gained national recognition for his hack into Los Angeles radio's KIIS-FM phone lines. These actions earned him a Porsche among many other items.
The FBI began to search for Poulson, when he hacked into the FBI database and federal computers for sensitive wiretap information. Poulsen's specialty was hacking into phone lines and he frequently took over all of a station's phone lines. Poulson also reactivated old Yellow Page escort telephone numbers for a partner who operated a virtual escort agency. Poulson was featured on Unsolved Mysteries and then captured in a supermarket. He was assessed a sentence of five years.
Since his time in prison, Poulsen has worked as a journalist and was promoted to senior editor for Wired News. His most popular article details his work on identifying 744 sex offenders with Myspace profiles.

How to make your computer Anti-DDoS (DDoS Protection)

How to make your computer Anti-DDoS (DDoS Protection)
What you need:
Harden It >>>>>>>>

rst, follow JoeyBe11's Tutorial on editing the regedit keys...

Open up regedit
Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows
Under Windows, add a new key called Psched, it may already be there.
Under the key Psched, add a DWORD value named "MaxOutstandingSends" without quotes, of course.
Once you have created the DWORD value named MaxOutstandingSends, right click on it and click modify.
Under value data, put 65535. Under base, Hexadecimal should be chosen.
Here's a few other registry values/keys to stop DoS/DDoS attacks in the event that you have a weak connection and your system can't even withstand 65535 connections:


After this, now you have to open the program you downloaded, HardenIt
As your going through the steps HardenIt, check what I have put down (same order)...

- Complete Setup
- Syn Flood/Attack Protection (Good)
- 100 (Recommended for Workstations)
- 80 (Recommended for Workstations)
- 0 (Recommended, protection enables immediately when all ports are exhausted.)
- 2 (Recommended)
- 3 (Recommended)
- Enabled (Recommended)
- Workstation (300000ms or 5 minutes)
- Enabled (Recommended)
- Disabled (Recommended)
- Disabled (Recommended)
- Disabled (Recommended)
- Enabled (Recommended)
- 10 (Recommended)
- 10000 (!Workstations! - 64MB RAM)
- 10 (Recommended)
- Enabled (Recommended)
- 1 (Recommended - do not forward Sorce Routed packets)
- Enabled (Recommended)
- Disabled (Recommended)
- Disabled (Recommended)
- Enabled (Recommended)
- Restrict Anonymous (Level 1 - Recommended)
Does not allow anonymous numeration of SAM accounts and shares.
- Enable SAM restriction (Recommended)
Does not allow anonymous numeration of SAM accounts and shares.
- Disable Everyone Includes Anonymous (Recommended)
Null-session users won't have any rights.
- Retry Count 1 (Recommended)
- Smooth (90 seconds - Recommended)
- Enabled (Recommended)

Once you do this, follow the rest of the directions.

When your done installing HardenIt, it will seem like nothing happened. But really it edited more regedit keys. This will not effect your computer use at all, but it will keep your protected from being DDoS attacked.

This Tutorial was made by....

If posted on other sites, please give credit.
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Create An Ftp Server On Your Pc

Create An Ftp Server On Your Pc With Serv-u

Serv-U Website

Step 1. Getting a static IP address.
Get a static address for your FTP server. You will want to do this as opposed to using your IP address for several reasons. First, it’s easier keeping up-to-date. Imagine having to change all of your setting every time your IP changed. With No-IP, the No-IP service runs in background on your computer and updates your current IP address with your FTP server’s URL (for example, you get Second reason, you don’t want your IP address posted out there for everyone to see.

1. Go to to create a new user account.
2. Fill in the information that is required and the click Register button.
3. Your account has now been created and your account password has been emailed to you.
4. Check your email mailbox and wait for the mail that contains your password
5. Go back to and type your email address and password to login to your account.
6. Once in your account, click on Add a host in the left menu
7. Type in the Hostname you want (example: rkchoolie) and pick a Domain from the list (example:
8. Check Allow Wildcards and click the Submit button
9. You now have your static address (example:
10. Click on your OS link in the Dyn-Update Client in the bottom right menu and follow links to download the client
11. Once downloaded, install the software and type in your email address and password when asked.
12. Finally tick the checkbox near your static address.

You now have a static web address .

Step 2. Installing and setting the FTP server
1. Install Serv-U 4.0.
2. Start Serv-U and use the wizard to setup your ftp.
3. Click next until you're asked for an IP address, leave it blank and then click next.
4. Type the domain name you've just registered above (example: in the domain name field and then click Next.
5. You are asked if you want to allow anonymous access, select No and then click next.
6. You are then asked to create a named account, check yes and then click next.
7. Type in the user name you wish for this account (example: Harrie) and click next.
8. Type a password for this account (example: $p3c1aL). For security reasons, try to create a password with some letters, numbers and special characters. Then click next.
9. You will then be asked for the Home directory of the account you just created. Select the directory and then click next.
10. Select yes to lock this account to the Home directory. You want to do this so that the user can not go any further up that his home directory. Click next.
11. The account is now set so click finish.

Step 3. Configuring user accounts
1. In the left tree-menu, select the account you've just created and then click on the General tab.
2. Check Hide ‘Hidden’ Files.
3. Check Allow only and enter the number one in the box.
4. Set the Max. download speed to what ever you want. If this is an account that many will be using, set it low to save on your bandwidth. I usually have mine set between 10 – 20. If you leave it blank, users will be able to download from you at full bandwidth.
5. Set the Max no. of users to how many you want to be able to log on at one time. This depends on your connection speed but try these (56 - 1, ISDN - 3, ADSL or cable - 5-6 users.)
6. Now, click on the Dir Access tab.
7. You should see the home folder in there. Highlight it and make your permissions.
8. If you only want users to be able to download check only Read, List, & Inherit.
9. If you want users to be able to upload, but to only one particular folder but not download, click the add button and then select that folder. Now highlight the folder and set these permissions on that folder. Check Write, Append, List, Create, & Inherit. Once you have made the permissions click on the up arrow that is located at the bottom right-hand corner. You want this special upload folder to be list first, before the home folder.
10. If there is a folder that you don’t want anyone to have access to, but it is inside the home folder, then click the add button and then select that folder. Now highlight the folder and make sure that all checkboxes are left. Once you have made the permissions click on the up arrow that is located at the bottom right-hand corner. You want this no access folder to be listed at the very top.
11. There are many other different sets of permissions you can play with. I just covered your basics.
12. Your server is now set!
13. Try logging on with the username and password and see if it works.

5 amazing shortcuts

Do these 5 acts blazingly fast.
{ Don't hold down any key. Just hammer one after another.}

for Shutdown = WinKey, U, U
for Stand By = WinKey, U, S
for Restart = WinKey, U, R

for Log Of = WinKey, L, L
for Switch User= WinKey, L, S

WINKEY + D = minimise all open progs.

press it again ..and voila!! MAX all open progs.

WINKEY + R = RUN dialog box


The world's 10 most powerful brands

he barely 10-year-old Google is the world's most powerful brand, followed by General Electric and Microsoft, according to a survey conducted by Millward Brown's BrandZ index. The survey assigned values to various brands based on their financial strength and consumer sentiment.

1. Google

Google, with a brand value of $66.434 billion, is the world's most powerful brand.

The global search engine giant was started as a research project in January 1996 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two Ph.D students at Stanford University, California. Google Inc was incorporated on September 7, 1998, at a friend's garage in Menlo Park, California. The company, known for its innovations and stupendous growth rate, went public on August 19, 2004.

Page and Brin's search engine was originally called BackRub. The name 'Google' originated from 'googol,' which refers to the number represented by a 1 followed by one-hundred zeros.

Eric E. Schmidt is the CEO of Google, while co-founder Sergey Brin and Larry page are Technology President and Products President, respectively.

The company is listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange under the symbol GOOG. 'Google' is now a verb, having found its way into the dictionary. It means 'to use the Google search engine to obtain information on the Internet.'

A sign outside of the Google headquarters in Mountain View, California. Photograph: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

2. GE

General Electric's brand value has been estimated at $61.880 billion, making it the world's second most powerful brand.

GE is a giant US multinational, with headquarters in Fairfield, Connecticut, engaged in technology and services industries. It is the world's second largest company in terms of market capitalisation.

The famous inventor Thomas Alva Edison opened a new laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey in 1876, where the incandescent electric lamp was invented. By 1890, Edison formed the Edison General Electric Company. In 1879, Elihu Thomson and Edwin J. Houston formed the Thomson-Houston Electric Company to rival Edison's firm. However, in 1892, both the companies merged to give birth to the General Electric Company.

GE slowly began to diversify its operations. Today its businesses span information technology, financial services, industrial technology, aviation, healthcare, oil and gas, films and entertainment, theme parks, locomotives, insurance, etc. In India, too, GE's enjoys widespread presence.

Jeffrey Immelt is GE's chairman & CEO; while Keith Sherin is the CFO, and Robert Wright is GE vice chairman.

3. Microsoft

Microsoft Corporation is the world's largest software company, with global annual revenue of over $44.28 billion. With a brand value of $54.951 billion, it also is the planet's third most powerful brand.

Bill Gates, the world's richest man, is the executive chairman of the software giant which he co-founded along with Paul Allen in 1975. On June 25, 1981, the company was incorporated. On August 12, 1981, IBM introduced its personal computer with Microsoft's 16-bit operating system, MS-DOS 1.0. On Feb 26, 1986, Microsoft moved to corporate campus in Redmond, Washington, and on March 13, 1986, Microsoft stock went public.

On May 22, 1990, Microsoft launched Windows 3.0.

On November 20, 1985, Microsoft released its first retail version of Microsoft Windows, originally a graphical extension for its MS-DOS operating system.

Gates is equally admired for his insight and criticised for his business tactics.

Steve Ballmer is the company's CEO, while Ray Ozzie is chief software architect. Microsoft employs 76,000 people across 102 countries.

The Microsoft logo at the company's office in Herndon, Virginia. Photograph: Paul J Richards/AFP/Getty Images

4. Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola's brand value has been estimated at $44.134 billion, making it the world's foruth most powerful brand.

Coca-Cola, a carbonated soft drink, was intended as a patent medicine when it was invented in 1885 by Dr. John Stith Pemberton in Covington, Georgia. It was then called Pemberton's French Wine Coca.

Pemberton's partner and bookkeeper, Frank M Robinson, suggested the name and penned the now famous trademark 'Coca-Cola' in his unique script. Coca-Cola was bought over by businessman Asa Griggs Candler in 1887 and incorporated it as the Coca Cola Company in 1892. Griggs made the brand a force to reckon with through his marketing strategies. Coca-Cola was sold in bottles for the first time on March 12, 1894.

In 1919, a group of investors headed by Ernest Woodruff and W C Bradley purchased The Coca-Cola Company for $25 million. Coca-Cola is also the world's best known brand.

E Neville Isdell is the company's chairman and chief executive officer.

5. China Mobile

China Mobile is the world's 5th most powerful brand with a value of $41.214 billion.

China Mobile Communications Corporation, also known as China Mobile or CMCC, is China's largest mobile phone operator.

It is the world's largest mobile phone operator ranked by number of subscribers, with over 296 million customers. By turnover it is second to Vodafone, which owns 3.3% of the China Mobile. A state-owned enterprise, it was spun off from former monopoly China Telecom in 2000, and now has a 65% share of the highly competitive Chinese mobile market.

China Mobile is the largest company registered in Hong Kong.

Wang Jianzhou is the telecom major's chairman and CEO.

6. Marlboro

Marlboro's brand value has been estimated at $39.166 billion, making it the 6th most powerful brand.

Marlboro, made by Altria, is the world's best selling cigarette brand. It is famous for its billboard advertisements and magazine ads of the Marlboro Man.

Philip Morris, a London-based cigarette manufacturer, created a New York subsidiary in 1902 to sell several of its cigarette brands, including Marlboro.

Marlboro then suddenly faltered badly in the market till the 1950s, when it made a rollicking comeback following the introduction of a new cowboy image for the brand. Sales skyrocketed by 5,000%. Marlboro with a filtered tip was launched in 1955.

The brand is named after Great Marlborough Street, the location of its original London factory. Richmond, Virginia, is now the location of the largest Marlboro cigarette manufacturing plant.

Altria CEO & chairman is Louis Camilleri.

7. Wal-Mart

The world's 7th most powerful brand, Wal-Mart, is estimated to be worth $36.880 billion.

Wal-Mart Stores is an American public corporation and the world's largest retailer. It is the largest private employer, the largest grocery retailer, and the largest toy seller in the United States.

It was founded by Sam Walton, who opened his first Wal-Mart discount store in Rogers, Arkansas, in 1962. The company was incorporated on October 31, 1969, and listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1972.

Sam Walton died on April 5, 1992 at the age of 74.

His widow Helen R Walton, daughter Alice L Walton, and sons Jim C Walton, John T Walton and S Robson Walton, each with a personal wealth of $20.5 billion, have all been ranked among the richest Americans by Forbes.

H Lee Scott is Wal-Mart CEO, while S Robson Walton, is the retail giant's chairman.

8. Citi

Citi is the world's 8th most powerful brand with an estimated value of $33.706 billion.

Citigroup Inc was formed following the $140 billion merger of Citicorp and Travelers Group on April 7, 1998 to create the world's largest financial services organisation. The company employs almost 300,000 people around the world.

Travelers was founded in 1864 in Hartford, Connecticut. It dealt in insurance and is noted for many industry firsts: the first automobile policy, the first commercial airline policy, and the first policy for space travel. In the 1990s, it went through a series of mergers and acquisitions.

It was bought by Primerica in 1993, but the resulting company retained the Travelers name. In 1995, it became The Travelers Group. It bought Aetna's property and casualty business in 1996.

Citicorp was the descendant of First National City Bank, founded in New York City. It was one of the oldest banks in the United States (founded in 1812), and had the largest international branch presence of any United States headquartered bank. In the 1960s and 1970s, chairman Walter Wriston led the bank into sovereign debt and loan syndication. It was Writsen who led the technology of ATM cards before the the banks. He also spearheaded the name change to Citibank in the late 1970s.

Charles Prince is the company's chairman & CEO.

9. IBM

International Business Machines Corporation, also called IBM or 'Big Blue', is a multinational computer technology corporation headquartered in Armonk, New York, USA.

Till 2006 it was the world's largest computer company, but has now ceded the top spot to Hewlett-Packard. With over 350,000 employees worldwide, IBM is the largest information technology employer in the world.

The company which became IBM was founded in 1888 as Herman Hollerith and the Tabulating Machine Company. It was incorporated as Computing Tabulating Recording Corporation (CTR) on June 15, 1911, and was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1916. IBM adopted its current name in 1924, where it became a Fortune 500 company.

Samuel J Palmisano is IBM chairman & CEO.

The IBM logo in front of the company's headquarters in Seoul, South Korea. Photograph: Chung Sung-Jun/Getty

10. Toyota

Toyota with an estimated brand value of $33.427 billion is the 10th most powerful brand in the world.

Toyota Motor Corporation is a Japanese multinational corporation and the world's largest auto company that manufactures automobiles, trucks, buses, and robots. The headquarters of Toyota are located in Toyota, Aichi, Japan. It is the world's eighth largest company by revenue of $179 billion as of 2006.

The company was founded in 1937 by Kiichiro Toyoda as a spinoff from his father's company Toyota Industries to create automobiles. It created, first as a department of Toyota Industries, its first product Type A engine in 1934 and its first passenger car in 1936.

Toyota Motor Co. was established as an independent company in 1937. Although the founding family name is Toyoda, the company name was changed in order to signify the separation of the founders' work life from home life, to simplify the pronunciation, and to give the company a happy beginning. Toyota is considered luckier than Toyoda in Japan.

Katsuaki Watanabe is Toyota's president and CEO, while Fujio Cho is chairman. Shoichiro Toyoda is the company's honorary chairman; Hiroshi Okuda is senior advisor; and Katsuhiro Nakagawa is vice chairman.

The corporate logo of the Toyota car company at the annual motor show in Paris. Photograph: Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images Images

Use Notepad As Dairy

This is good for people who use notepad to write down any info on a day
to day basis?

1. Open a blank Notepad file
2. Write .LOG (in CAPS only) as the first line of the file, followed by an Enter. Save the File and close it.
3. Double-click the file to open it and notice that Notepad appends the Current Date and Time to the end of the file and places the cursor on the Line after.
4. Type your notes and then save and close the file.
5. Each time you open the file, Notepad repeats the process, appending the Date and Time to the end of the file and placing the cursor below it.

Important 12 windows shortcuts

here the most important 12 shortcuts for windows users

you can type into your XP run menu to get the utilities you want and need.

1. compmgmt.msc Computer management
2. devmgmt.msc Device manager
3. diskmgmt.msc Disk management
4. dfrg.msc Disk defrag
5. eventvwr.msc Event viewer
6. fsmgmt.msc Shared folders
7. gpedit.msc Group policies
8. lusrmgr.msc Local users and groups
9. perfmon.msc Performance monitor
10. rsop.msc Resultant set of policies
11. secpol.msc Local security settings
12. services.msc Services

DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD+RW and DVD-RW explained

There's DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, and even DVD-ROM! So what's the difference between all of these different names, aren't all DVDs the same? Well, it's not quite that simple.

Let's first start with the most obvious difference: some have R and some have RW. The "R" stands for readable, while the "W" stands for writeable.

The main difference between DVD-R and DVD-RW, or DVD+R and DVD+RW is that the R disc formats can only be written to once, and then it is only readable and can’t be erased for the rest of its digital life. While RW discs are can be written to and erased many times, they are both readable and writeable.

"R" discs are perfect if they are only needed to be written to once, such as giving some files to a friend or transferring them between PCs. "RW" discs have their strength in the ability to be used many times over, which is great for routine system backups, etc. And naturally, the RW discs are slightly more expensive than the R discs, but you'll have to decide if the trade offs are worth the money.

Now, onto the difference between DVD-R and DVD+R. As I just described above, DVD-R & DVD-RW are sister discs, the difference being one is writeable once, while the other is writeable multiple times. The same thing is true for DVD+R & DVD+RW. So the question is, what's the difference between the plus and minus?

In order to explain this we must take a trip back in time. When DVDs were first being developed, there was no industry standard. Multiple companies were competing to develop what they hoped would be the dominant form of the future.

The DVD-R DVD+R difference can easily be summarized by the following:

* The DVD-R/RW standard was developed by Pioneer, and is used primarily by Apple and Pioneer. These "minus" discs can only be written to in one layer on the discs surface. In addition, this format is supported by the DVD forum, but is in no way an industry standard. DVD-R/RW discs are cheaper than the "plus" format.
* The DVD+R/RW format is supported by Philips, Dell, Sony, HP, and Mcft. These discs can be written to in multiple layers, giving them slightly better and more disc storage than the "minus" format. Because of this additional capacity, they are slightly more expensive than "minus" discs.

A couple final things to clear up is the difference between DVD-ROM and DVD+RW, or the other DVD formats I mentioned above. The DVD-ROM drive can only read DVDs, while the other DVD drives can read and write data to DVDs.

And naturally the DVD+RW CD+RW difference can be explained by the "DVD" or "CD" prefix. DVDs, on average, can store up to 4.7 GB of data, while a CD can only store about 700 MB of data, or about 15% of a DVD's capacity. While CDs are slightly cheaper, in my opinion, the benefits of DVDs are much greater.

So now that you've learned about the difference between DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, and even DVD-ROM, which one is right for you? The easiest way to determine which is more beneficial is to watch the industry trends. A few years ago all pre-built computers were shipping with DVD-ROM drives. Today, most PCs have a burnable DVD drive.

I feel that the benefits of having a burnable DVD drive far outweigh any additional costs. They store much more data, and they are ideal for storing your home movies to watch on your DVD player.

My advice is to look at DVD burners that support all of the major formats I've mentioned above, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, and DVD+RW. While a DVD drive that supports all of these formats may be slightly more expensive, it will allow you to use any type of DVD disc to burn to, and you'll be protected from any industry shifts to one format or the other.

Small tutorial for Spliting Files into many using WinRAR

First right click on the file u wanna select and select Add to Archive then a window will open from Rar .....

At the bottown there is a Tab sayin "Spilt to Volume,Bytes"

In the box enter a figure.. remember bytes ... For eg if u enter 10000000 tht will be equal to 9.53 mb ...

Remember u have to enter the value in bytes.. So enter a big value..

And thts it ur File will be split into no of files u mention ...

I m uploadin some screenshots 4 ur help..

Megaupload Crack- Firefox

Go to address bar and type: about:config

Search for general.useragent.extra.firefox

Double click on it
Change the default text with this: Firefox/ MEGAUPLOAD 1.0

first go to help and clik about...ther in u ll see the exact version of Firefox (like replace the exact version in the above text (for this instance i replaced the version from to 1.0... if new version releases or if u r using earlier versions...replace the above text with 2.0.0.x (wher x is the current version)

Restart the browser

nd now when u enter the megaupload link..enter the code and start downloading

COmments Are Welcome!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

TuneUp Utilities 2007

TuneUp Utilities 2007 v6.0.2311.0

TuneUp Utilities 2007 optimizes the performance of your computer, corrects problems and helps you to customize your system to suit your needs. It combines important aspects of system configuration, security, cleaning and maintenance under a modern interface. You can remove unnecessary files from your hard disk(s), clean and optimize the registry, tweak your internet connection settings, recover deleted files, optimize memory and more. In addition, you can analyze your system, receive automatic suggestions for potential performance improvements and view detailed hardware information. TuneUp Utilities also includes an Uninstaller, registry Editor, Task Manager and even an Undelete tool to recover files that have been deleted from the recycle bin. A very nice tool, with many features that will appeal to novice as well as advanced users.

TuneUp Utilities 2007 makes Windows faster, more secure, and comfortable. All important aspects of system configuration, security, cleaning and maintenance are combined under a modern graphical user interface.

TuneUp Utilities 2007 has lots new to offer! With numerous new and improved features, TuneUp Utilities 2007 has become the premier tuning solution for Windows operating systems.

-TuneUp Utilities 2007 - Start Center
-Reliable Protection for Your Data
-Simple Hard Disk Organization
-Simple Windows Customization
-Perfect Error Correction
-Simple 1-Click Maintenance
-Optimum Start Acceleration
-Internet and Windows Acceleration
-Secure Data Rescue and Deletion
-Individual Windows styling.
more info

Download link:

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Pass: NeedZ

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Utilities for ur Personal Computer

SpeedUpMyPc v.3.5

SpeedUpMyPC 3, how does it work?

Do you often notice that your PC just doesn’t run as smoothly as it used to? This could be caused by anyone of several problems or a combination of all of them. The problem is, monitoring today’s PCs is increasingly difficult and time consuming. Even experienced users find effective control of all the settings and resources of their PCs hard to achieve.

With SpeedUpMyPC 3, it’s as though you have a full time technician working flat out just for you, helping you to make the best use of all that processing power that you have already bought.

SpeedUpMyPC 3 lets you monitor and control all your PC resources with easy, one click instructions.

System settings, internet usage, disk clutter, RAM and CPU are all automatically scanned, cleaned and optimized for peak performance.

You can also selectively disable or remove unnecessary background and auto-start processes to cut valuable seconds off your startup time.

Dramatically optimize your use of CPU processing power and boost critical applications for extra speed

Remove unnecessary background and auto-start applications for noticeably faster start up times.

Improve your data security with new File Shredder and Privacy Protection tools to completely
remove unwanted files and folders, permanently.

Use File Clean Up to automatically free up even more disk space, quickly

Optimize your internet connection settings for improved bandwidth, faster browsing and quicker downloads.

SpeedUpMyPC 3 Key Benefits
~SpeedUpMyPC 3 fine-tunes your system to help you squeeze even more power from your PC for peak performance.

~Maxmimize your Internet Settings for faster downloading

~Boosts your bandwidth and make the best use of your internet connection for faster surfing and quicker downloads.

~Intelligent Advice to Predict and Prevent System Slowdowns and Crashes.

~SpeedUpMyPC 3 tracks your system and not only warns you proactively when you are operating at critical levels, but recommends preventive action before problems start.

~Enhanced Security and Privacy Features

~Sensitive data can be permanently put beyond recovery using the File Shredder, while browsing history and cookies can be completely deleted to protect your privacy, from others who share your PC as well as from hackers.

~A powerful Uninstall feature lets you totally remove unwanted software much more efficiently.

~Exceptionally Easy to Use

~An easy to use, award-winning user interface that lets you tweak your settings with a single click or lets you navigate and adjust specific settings quickly and easily in just a few clicks.
~Superb Value for Money!

~Truly, the best and most complete solution at a great price. An all-in-one system tool that gives you more speed and processing power from your PC in one easy-to-use software.

Link to download it:


- Extract
- Install
- Copy & Paste Patch into Installation Directory
- Run Patch
- Complete